Monday, April 11, 2011

The day the inspiration died

I know it's been, what? Two months? That's eight weeks where publishing a post did not happen. My brother, who apparently reads this particular blog (who knew, right?), asked me why I wasn't posting on here and that he really enjoyed it. Well thanks Aaron! I appreciate the compliment. I stopped posting right around the time I lost my precious Daisy. I don't know what happened, but since that day, my inspiration has been...well...waning. I actually drew everything but 'creatures' since that day. So perhaps my weekly 'creature' feature should become something more along the lines of Weekly-when-I-have-the-time-and-resources Feature. And if I may be so bold as to throw in a second 'perhaps' then I will probably not be devoting this to just my fantasy art. I think this is going to be a record of just art in general. From cartoons and creatures to horses and cows. This blog needs a content makeover. I know there's no art on this posting, I just thought you might want to know I am alive and have not forgotten this blog. You know...if there's anyone out there reading this.


I'm just kidding. The blog's mostly for me.

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